The Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast

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Podcast Episodes

Episode 38

EP 38  It's Awkward, but Worth it !

June 04, 20241 min read

"Don't let friendship slip away."

Summary & Index

Encouraging and Maintaining Friendships Amidst Alzheimer's Progression

Ken  discusses the difficulties and importance of maintaining social connections for loved ones with dementia. Drawing from his own experiences with his wife, Shanna, Ken offers practical advice on easing the discomfort friends may feel and strategies to encourage continued visits. 

The episode also highlights the emotional impact of visits and provides tips for making these interactions meaningful. Ken shares a heartwarming story about reconnecting with an old friend and underscores the significance of being open about the diagnosis to help reduce awkwardness. Listeners are encouraged to think of someone to invite for a visit and to use the provided strategies to support their loved ones.

00:00 Introduction: The Isolation of Dementia
00:44 Welcome to the Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast
01:48 Listener Review: A Shared Journey
02:54 Understanding the Awkwardness
03:54 Being Open About the Diagnosis
06:28 Supporting Social Interactions
10:15 Encouraging Friends to Visit
12:51 Writing a Letter to Friends
17:22 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
18:20 Conclusion and Mission Statement

Podcast sponsored by Ascending Minds LLC

Ascending Minds LLC
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Ken Cardita

Ken is a Certified Master Faith Based Life Coach who offers courses, group and personal coaching that enables people to get past life long block and obtain personal transformation.

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