The Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast

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Meet Shanna and Ken

Summer 2023

About the Podcast

The Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast was started August 9, 2022 (our 42nd Wedding Anniversary). I have always known that I wanted to turn my journals into a book and tell our story. The idea of writing a book was (and still is) a daunting task for me. Recording a podcast seemed like a faster way for me to start to tell our story.

When I started the podcast a few years ago, I had no expectations or idea how long it would go or if anyone would be interested in it. It only took a few months to realize that this podcast was a blessing to many families all over the US and in some far away countries as well.

Sharing our story has been both a healing journey for me and a way for me to honor my wife Shanna. Throughout her decade plus journey, her faith and courage has been such an inspiration to me and others. She has and continues to teach me so much... even long after her ability to speak has left her. Her facial expressions, especially her smile, speak volumes.

She has been, and always will be an inspiration to me.

Podcast Listening Tips

Our Backstory and History -Start HERE

The first 13 episodes tells the story of how I started to notice changes in Shanna, visited various doctors, eventually receive a diagnosis, became her full time caregiver at home for 4+ years, moved her to memory care, and includes her first year there. I recommend that people first listen to these episodes and then feel free to jump around to whatever topic is of interest.

NOTE: This website displays the most recent episodes and goes backwards (I am still working on this). If you listen on Apple , Spotify, Google or any other podcast platform it starts with episode 1 and moves forward.

Other Topics - Then Explore

The remainder of the episodes cover a variety of stories, topics and key learnings that I have picked up along the way. Weaved into many episodes is my personal story of healing and going from a place if Anger, Depression, and Hopelessness to place of Peace, Understanding and Renewed Joy.

I also share many of the experiences and techniques that I learned once I decided to become a Certified Faith Based Life Coach.

So feel free to listen to them in order or skip around. Many listeners have told me that they often go back an re-listen to an episode that helps them with what they are currently going through with their loved one.

About Ascending Minds LLC

Ascending Minds LLC is a company I started in early 2022.

It's Mission is to help people discover their True Self and Unlock their Full Potential.

It provides the following products and services:

  • Sponsoring the Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast

  • Hosting the Surviving Alzheimer's Support Group

  • One on One as well as Group Coaching Services

  • Live and Online Courses

  • Technology Training for Life Coaches

  • Music for Ascending Minds : COMING SOON

Videos for Caregivers and Friends


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