The Surviving Alzheimer's Podcast

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Podcast Episodes

Episode 40

EP40 - What I Would Tell Myself If I Could Go Back in Time

September 09, 20241 min read

"Channeling my inner Marty Mc Fly from Back to the Future "

Summary & Index

Five Lessons Learned from My Caregiving Journey

In this episode, inspired by a listener's comment, Ken shares five crucial lessons he wishes he knew when he started his caregiving journey. These lessons include: stopping the urge to correct the loved one, letting go of guilt, recognizing that current struggles won't last forever, prioritizing self-care, and embracing your loved one's reality. Ken emphasizes the importance of finding joy in what the loved one can still do and cherishing those moments.

00:00 Introduction and Personal Reflection
01:30 Listener Comment and Episode Inspiration
02:08 Number 1 : Stop Correcting
04:23 Number 2 : Let Go of Guilt
06:29 Number 3 : This Too Shall Pass
09:01 Number 4 : Self-Care is Essential
11:38  Number 5 : Live in Their World
16:54 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Podcast sponsored by Ascending Minds LLC

Ascending Minds LLC
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Ken Cardita

Ken is a Certified Master Faith Based Life Coach who offers courses, group and personal coaching that enables people to get past life long block and obtain personal transformation.

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